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Definition of ADHD/ADD


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is prevalent in approximately 7% of the child population and 5% of the adult population. There are three main presentations of ADHD: ‘combined’, which has inattention and hyperactivity, ‘predominately hyperactive’, which has a much greater deal of hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour, and ‘predominately inattentive’. The latter has the greatest impact on distraction in adults.


Signs and Symptoms of ADHD/ADD


In children there are many signs of ADHD, the most common are:

  • Fidgeting in school and being continuously told by the teacher to sit down, or not to blurt things out.

  • Falling out with friends on a regular basis, but also being the joker of the class and making friends easily.

  • Not being invited to parties (young children).

  • Forgetting or losing things.

  • Not being able to focus on homework.

  • Continually getting into trouble at school.

  • Having difficulty sleeping and continually getting out of bed

  • The symptoms of ADHD in adults can be less obvious than those in children. The most common are:

  • Spending money without thought, continually changing jobs and having many different partners in relationships. If driving, skipping a red light or speeding.

  • Unable to handle stress or easily losing your temper.

  • Constantly fidgeting, restlessness and may require less sleep.

  • Easily losing things or forgetting important tasks, this can affect your job (in the case of an adult patient) and/or relationships.


Treatment of ADHD


There is no ‘cure’ for ADHD, but treatment is centred on managing the symptoms and minimising the difficulties that can arise as a result of this disorder. Treatment for ADHD can be medication (stimulants or non-stimulants), talking based therapies, dietary and exercise intervention or a combination of them all.

Our ADHD Pathway


Each clinician at our centre has their own approach to assessments and treatment, and may tailor their approach depending on the patient's clinical presentation.

Please find below an outline of potential elements that may form part of the assessment process:

  • Some questionnaires may be required to be completed by yourself or other 3rd parties (such as your child's teacher(s) if you are in agreement), during the assessment appointment(s) process.

  • If the patient is an adult then the clinician may potentially administer a D.I.V.A. Test during one of the assessment appointments.

  • (For children) we require any contact with school to be arranged via yourself, and our doctor nor office will contact your child's school directly.

  • Weight, height, pulse and blood pressure may potentially be taken (if applicable), or if the appointment is via Zoom, you may be asked to arrange this before or after an appointment.

  • Depending on the patient's (and family's) medical history, an electrocardiogram (ECG) and/or blood tests may be required. If so, any such tests are not included within our centre's fees and are payable directly to the relevant clinics whom undertake them.

  • Psychoeducation strategies may be offered and in addition some written resources may be provided.

  • Medication may potentially be discussed and prescribed during the assessment process if relevant consent obtained.

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ADHD / ADD Diagnosis

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